Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Week Without Complaining

I'll go into this topic further when I have more time.  But for now, I'm taking this challenge: A Week Without Complaining.  For more info, read this blog post, and even futher, check out 365Grateful and join in.

One of the things I've had on my mind lately is the loss of the optimism I had when I was in college.  I'm on a journey to reclaim the "good parts" of me that I feel like I've left behind (while in reality, they're still there, but smothered by worry, depression and hopelessness.)  I feel like my Art Journal is helping, and even trying to stop complaining so much leaves me more time to be/think/feel/act positive!

I'm finding inspiration in the strangest of places, where I wouldn't have imagined I'd get an idea.  Song lyrics, World of Warcraft, watching hubby play on the Wii......  I think it's a sign  that I'm on the right track.......
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I failed miserably. It was the evil pom-poms that did me in.....