Saturday, March 30, 2013

Musings on Spring

Lots of things about my life have changed.  If there is one thing I've learned, it's that the only thing that never changes in Life is that nothing ever stops changing.  Change is a good thing, especially as the freezing cold mornings give way to cooler, foggy mornings that smell like roses and freshly-planted gardens.  We "Spring Clean" to clear out all the old, unused stuff we own and brighten up our homes as we put away the winter clothes.  I've realized just the past week how much I love Spring.  All the bright and happy flowers, the warm sun and the longer evenings make me smile.

I've neglected this blog, but that's actually a good thing.  Life is keeping me busy and I have little time to sit in front of my computer and write about the crafts I've been up to.  My son and I have moved to a small town and we're currently in an in-between home.  I know there is a permanent home for us here; I just pray I find it soon!  Our current place is larger than we need and while it is a beautiful home, it's not our home--and all our things are in storage.  Or the trunk of my car, or at our old home.....

Be patient with me, I have been up to art and have pictures to share.  I've been concentrating first on a Project Life album for 2013, secondly on art, with some sketchbook work thrown in in the past few days.  Good things are on their way!

I hope you too are enjoying the beginnings of Spring.  I'm a Christian, and Easter has always been a favorite holiday.  It feels triumphant, in a different way than Christmas does.  Christ overcame death so that we may have ever-lasting life--how amazing and humbling that is!  Plus Cadbury Mini-Eggs are the best candy ever!! ;D
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