- James "got" a cultural reference on The Fairly Odd Parents and gave what I can only describe as a "guffaw" in response to it. It was partly a celebratory "Hey, I understand that!" and partly an honest laugh to the show.
- James and the little girl he was playing with at the Local Arts and Craft show running out of the welcome center house and down the stairs as if they were being chased by some ghost. And then the fire truck rolling by and the deep fear I suddenly had that they had pulled the fire alarm for fun. {they didn't!}
- I'm proud of myself for not tying my self-esteem to my crafts, and for taking the risk of putting myself "out there." I'm reading Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
and I feel like I totally showed up for the challenge and survived. I allowed myself to be vulnerable without sacrificing my values.
Friday April 26, 2013:
- The joy and pride I felt for my niece who graduated college tonight.
- That in spite of wheezing, I was able to walk the whole thing, including steps with no handrails. "Before" I would've assumed I just couldn't do it and stayed home, missing out on life.
- Listening to MrRonald make jokes--I love his sense of humor.
- Doing a great grocery shop with James.
- Helping my mom clean out her garage. I helped, and that's not something I can say very often. And it was fun watching Mom and MrRonald argue over the keep/toss piles ;P
- Playing card games like Skip-Bo Jr and "War" with James.
- Setting all of James's toy men up, army-style in rows of good guys vs. bad guys
- James asking me "What is that white thing on top of the new tea pitcher?" and me having to explain "It's a lid." So funny!
- Playing Uno and having to call James out for "excess celebration in the end zone." And realizing how weird it is that I consider us a "non-sports" family but I use football terms like that. Also "foul ball," "home run," and "fore!"
- Still wearing the blue topaz pinky ring from my Mom, and realizing that if I never wear any other stone for the rest of my life, I love blue topaz enough to be happy with it. Reminds me of my mom's eyes, and James's eyes. Plus it varies in blue color from navy to almost-clear, so it matches everything. :)
- Reading the brand-new Sophie Kinsella book "Wedding Night" and having a crying fit because Fliss realizes that because of her divorce, her "family" is gone forever, and so is mine.
- Realizing that that's okay. Really. It's okay.
- I'm blessed that everyone I love is healthy and able-bodied.
- I adore Chloe and she makes me want a dog of my own. But then it's also just as good to be able to give her back. She's the perfect dog because she can come visit yet I don't have to bear the full weight of her responsibility.
- Loving Supernatural is unique to me, and I must settle for no one else caring about it the way I do for now. I must not give in to temptations to call my ex, who doesn't even watch it anymore. And I'm sad that the show I love so much makes me feel lonelier, but that is how it has to be.
- I'm having a hard time as a parent right now, but it will pass.
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