Aaron is a typical kid until his 18th birthday. Things happen, I don't want to ruin that part for you.... Understand that Aaron is part angel, and one of his angel powers is that he can understand ANY language; not just Portuguese or Italian, he understands all animals too. Anyway, Gabriel is hit by a car, and another of Aaron's powers is to heal, and he is able to save his dog--but Gabe is more connected to Aaron now, he can share dreams, he speaks in full sentences, his intellect is amazing.
I've greatly enjoyed The Fallen 1 so far, so I'm trying to keep going and finish Leviathan soon; however, I've gotten an ARC to review for the LibraryThing Early reviewers group called Tempest: A Novel (Tempest - Trilogy) by Julie Cross
So, all things considered, I do recommend The Fallen 1--and I'm giving it a rating of 4 stars out of 5. The pacing is a bit slow at times, and while some story-lines are obvious, others are very loose threads at the moment, which almost feel like distractions rather than set-ups. I'm excited to see where the story goes, and that makes it a good book!
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