Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Unexpected Honesty (Authenticity)--A Day Later

As I was getting ready for bed last night, I had a thought:  God often has to clear out the old before He can bring in something new.  There's a saying floating around Pinterest:

So, for today, to comfort my broken yet faithful heart, I'm going to believe--no, I'm going to KNOW that everything happens for a reason.  I'm willing to make the leap and remember that God has a plan for me, a good and perfect plan.....
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1 comment:

Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said...

Hey Kimmy, thanks for all those sweet words over on Choose to Thrive's giveaway! Made me smile. :)

Love this message too, having faith in His timing is always so hard for me...but you are right. He knows what He's doing and His plan is a good one.